Be Prepared

Always carry water! When travelling in remote and rural areas don’t rely on being able to access clean water. We found out the hard way in 40 degree heat!

Learn the language basics: You don’t have to be fluent in a language to communicate, hello and thank you go a long way!

Things to bring :

  • Antibacterial hand gel
  • Silk liner
  • Sleeping bag – nights can get unexpectedly cold on the equator!
  • Orbit Eastpak rucksack
  • Plasters
  • Piece of cloth – our favourites are East African khangas!
  • Portable speakers
  • Mementos from your country to share with new friends
  • Sweets for the low moments!
  • Hats
  • Head-torch

Go with the Flow

Use public transport: It can be cramped, confusing and you may spend a lot of time waiting but public transport can be the heart and soul of a place and one of the best ways to get to know it.

Embrace the Bag-tale! Even the best made plans don’t always turn out as expected and sometime the programme just goes wrong! At other times the unexpected is the greatest adventure and casual strolls can turn into the highlight.

Eat like a local: Don’t judge an eatery by its appearance. Some of the best meals we’ve had have been in the most unassuming places or just by the side of the road. Eating like a local is often cheaper and a lot more fun!

Always take time for tea! Tea is enjoyed everywhere, spend some time chatting to the locals and watching the world go by.