Having worked with Plan for the last couple of months and being impressed with the ethos and execution of their projects we knew that the money from sponsors was life changing. We were still unprepared however for the overwhelming experience of actually meeting Pascaline, a girl who’s life has been changed by my/Harry’s Mum’s sponsorship.

A two hour drive from Atakpamé into the heart of rural Togo took us to Pascaline’s village. As we stepped out of the car we found ourselves in the middle of a singing and dancing procession. We were led to the village’s central meeting spot, a clearing in the shade of mango trees where the whole village had gathered to welcome us (200 strong!). After being taken to seats of honour and showered in confetti we were introduced to Pascaline. She had been singing with the choir before coming to sit was us, a past time we found out she really enjoys.

When the initial excitement had abated we were introduced to the whole extended family and enveloped in huge hugs. A compare then stepped into the centre of the gathering to officially present us all with the days programme. The village had found out two weeks before that we were coming and had evidently taken great care in the organisation of what was a momentous day for everyone. The atmosphere was buzzing and neither of us could have even tried to wipe the smiles of our faces as we were treated to more songs and dances.

In between these were speeches that had been thoughtfully written, from the village chief, the headmaster of Pacaline’s school, the Plan coordinator of the area, her father and Pascaline herself. The over riding message was one of welcome and gratitude as well as pride in Pascaline’s own achievements. We were both especially pleased to hear that she excels at school and in the headmasters words “believes herself as capable as any boy” (go on Pascaline!). Pascaline’s father Emmanuel could not express his thanks enough towards my/Harry’s Mum and how pleased and honoured he was that we had come to visit.

When it was my/Harry’s turn to speak it was difficult to find the words to say what an honour it was for us to be there and to have received such an overwhelming welcome. The sheer scale of this magnificent occasion was a tribute to how important Plan’s work is to the community. This incredible reception was down to my/Harry’s Mum’s contribution over the last seven years and her part in the progress that had happened in this village, we wish she had been there to see it.

After the last speech Pascaline and the choir danced their way towards us bearing a huge parcel, a gift for my/Harry’s Mum. It was a traditional earthen-ware dish which she will love and will have a special place back home in our kitchen in London. I/Harry was then led to the centre to be presented with a traditional African print dress and Pascaline a matching one, it felt like we were real sisters and was a moment that will never be forgotten.

Before we were whisked off for lunch we were invited to dance with the women and our attempts at traditional Togolese dancing ingratiated us as friends not just benefactors. We looked like crazy chickens but it was worth it for all the laughter! Singing and dancing is central to life here, a mutual enjoyment that united us at once.

Lunch was an extravaganza with the women wanting to show off ALL of their cooking! Filling our stomachs with rich African cuisine sitting chatting to Pascaline was a delicious way to spend the afternoon. After we were more than full Pascaline and her family showed us where they live, a one room mud hut that the six of them sleep in. This brought back to us that despite all the gaiety of the mornings events we were in a village that had been chosen by Plan because of very real reasons.

We were taken to see the work Plan has initiated in the village, accompanied by all the people we had met plus what seemed like hundreds of over excited children who were running, skipping and squealing alongside us. It was the villagers themselves that wanted to show us with pride the facilities that had been put in place. A bore hole water pump brings fresh, clean water to the heart of the village, whilst a store house allows for economic security. In other projects we had visited it had been made clear just how important, because of the seasonal nature of farming, a good store house was in helping to provide year round income.

Plan had also built a primary school here which the villagers seemed especially pleased with, being aware that educating their children was vital for a better future. This sentiment had been taken so much to heart that on their own initiative they had decided to build a secondary school (the nearest being 30km away) and provide it with teachers. This school was four simple grass roofed structures however they illustrated above all the ownership the community had taken over the development occurring in their village.

As our visit came to an end we were very sad to be leaving. The whole day had left an massive impression on the both of us. Seeing the appreciation of Pascaline and her whole village was the most powerful recommendation of Plan’s work that we had experienced so far. Hugging a girl who’s life really had been changed made the work of this organisation very real and very personal and was a truly amazing feeling.

After visiting Pascaline we really understood Plan’s ethos of personal sponsorship and why creating connections between people is such a valuable part of their work. When the choir sang ‘Kid-by, Kid-by, Ki-d-by, Kidby for my life’ (a song written for our visit incorporating my/Harry’s surname ) it felt like a great honour and really is a sentiment that has been mutually taken to heart. The warm welcome of the village would be impossible to forget and on our return to England we hope to raise some extra money for much needed secondary school supplies.

We know how easy it is for people to be skeptical but we have found out Pascaline is a real person and not a goat! It was truly incredible to meet her and if you sponsor a child we cannot recommend a visit more. Yet again we have seen how Plan’s work and the way they make it happen is changing lives and of all our visits this one brought home the important difference an individual really can make. Pascaline it was an absolute pleasure and we hope one day to meet again! Find out more about Plan International UK on their website.