Since we met at Camden School for Girls sixth form in 2007 we had been talking about a long adventure around Africa. This trip was motivated by an interest in seeing an Africa outside of mainstream media, learning sustainable and traditional methods of farming as well as an opportunity to visit the many wonders that the cradle of man has to offer. Our journey started in January 2013 in Senegal and took us to The Gambia, Benin, Togo and Ghana before we flew east to Ethiopia, Tanzania, Malawi, Uganda and Mozambique.

We had hoped to witness Africa’s great diversity and to capture some of the sights and sounds of the places we visited in our blogs as well as understand something of life as a local. We also had the incredible opportunity to work alongside Plan International UK visiting projects they facilitated across the continent as well as sharing skills. We saw first-hand the work of International and local NGO’s, gaining an understanding of what needs to be in-place to make development effective as well as witnessing the many barriers that stop it being so.

One of the best things about this trip was meeting the people that are the make-up of the countries we travelled in and hearing their stories. We also gathered a few tales of our own along the way! We wrote and published this blog on-route in 2013 and the content remains unchanged.

For information about this trip or any of our other adventures please get in touch.

Our route took us through…

Trip Spec (per person)