After five months in West Africa we already can’t wait to come back! This is one of the world’s least travelled regions but we firmly believe more people should come here. With non existent tourist attractions and very few other travellers it was the locals who showed us just how great West Africa is.
Staggering scenery from beaches to jungle, warm hospitality, stunning wildlife, glorious sunshine, mad markets, tasty tea’s and great friends to be made this place has it all. On our last night in Ghana we went out for dinner (Thanks mama Kidby) to the finest place in town. Well out of our usual price range this was an excellent treat and over our delicious steaks and bottle of red we talked about our three personal favourite moments in the West.
Here they are…
These rooftop days were full of never ending sunshine and the excitement of getting to know a new city. Giggling over mama’s crazy dinners, reggae parties with our Senegalese brother Ibu and finding our joint husband Mikey made this a first class way to start the trip.

Getting public transport is always a ridiculous affair and we feel the best way to see the country you are visiting. Vehicle capacity in West Africa is something to be marvelled at!! The scenery and the people you meet are always worth the hours of discomfort and the haggling over luggage!

3. Casa Farm
Although not the WWOOFing experience we had imagined this was one of the most chilled out and friendly places we have ever had the pleasure of staying. The local area was breath-taking, and Malik, Para and Thiendu made it a place we have to go back to.

What could beat seeing lions, elephants and hippo’s in West Africa! Even though our guide was completely insane this adventure we would not change. Luck took us there at the perfect time of year and with pretty much nobody else in the park Penjari Safari was something special indeed.

This was the pinnacle of our work with Plan International and the awesomeness of the day is hard to describe. Hugging Pascaline and meeting her village was not only a highlight of the trip but probably one of the best days of our lives. Nothing short of incredible.

This small town is the home of our friend Kofi and after working with him under horrible conditions at The Green Ranch it was a pleasure to enjoy a couple of days relaxing with him on home turf. His family were more than welcoming and getting to know a corner of Ghana we might not have otherwise seen lead us to discover one of our favourite places. We’ll see you for a bolfrot again Kofi!

West was unbelievable, East you have a lot to live up to! See you in Ethiopia!